India today witnessed the Boxing events of the 12th South Asian Games clinching gold medals with MC Mary kom, a five-time world champion, including a biopic of the Olympic bronze medallist, inspiring Sarita Devi to go beyond simply finding an easier way to move her things in her new start of this game after a one-year ban from AISA and Pooja Rani in their respective categories to help India clean sweep Boxing with 10 Gold medals.
Yesterday, the host nation had won all the seven categories in the men’s section. The Gold medal winners included Shiva Thapa (56kg), Mandeep Jangra (69kg), Vikas Krishan (75kg) Madan Lal (52kg), Dheeraj Rangi (60kg), Manoj Kumar (64kg) and L.Devendro, a Glasgow Commonwealth Games silver medallist, who is recovering from an injury, began India’s gold rush in boxing when he pipped Mohib Ulla of Pakistan in 49kg category at the SAI campus in North Eastern Hill University on the outskirts of the city.
Besides Boxing, Judo and Taekwondo are today’s events with medal hopes of Gold. After the events, the Games will culminate with a closing ceremony this evening. India tops the medal tally with a total haul of 309 medals – 189 Gold, 90 Silver and 30 Bronze. Sri lanka is in second slot, while Pakistan is in the third position.
Mary kom, Sarita Devi, clinch gold
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