Home » Many condole the demise of Ima Sakhi

Many condole the demise of Ima Sakhi

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Jan. 25:

All Club Organisation, Association & Meira Paibi Lup (ACOAM – Lup, Kangleipak) has condoled the demise of Phanjoubam Shakhi Leima , popularly known to the people as “Ima Shakhi”.
Ima Sakhi was the president of the Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup (AMKIL) till she breathed her last on January 23, 2022. She was 86.
As a women activist, Ima Sakhi had played important role in the safeguarding of the state of Manipur and had always spearheaded at any movement – be it for the protection of the territorial integrity of the state as well as to any form of human rights violation committed by the Armed forces under the shadow of the AFSPA.
ACOAM-Lup Kangleipak said that Ima Sakhi demise is a great lost for the region.
All Manipur Student Union (AMSU), Macha Leima, People’s Action for national Democratic Movement (PANDM), UPF, Manipur, NIPCO, TAMMI-CHINGMI, EECHAL, MAPI Council, CADA, Nupi Samaj, UPACO, EEVFAM, NIMPAL, ANUL, IPAK, All Manipur Progressive Farmer Association among others also condole the demise of Phanjaobam Sakhi (Ima Sakhi).
In a statement, AMSU and PANDM said that Ima Sakhi was a pioneer in bringing together women in the fight against drug abuse, alcohol and against the various cases of extra-judicial killings and exploitation conducted after the State was declared a disturbed area and AFSPA was imposed.
The last rite of Phanjoubam Shakhi Leima was held yesterday at Wangkhei Lizard Library ground in Imphal west with full honour. Leaders and representatives of various CSOs and well wishers paid floral tribute to the departed soul.
Former rebel leader RK Sanayaima who also attended the funeral service said that Ima Sakhi’s demise is a great lost of the society and left a vacuum to the society.
“I worried in seeing Imas of Manipur who had fought for the cause of the people of the state one after another. Now I am worried if the next generation who are to replace the Imas will be able to take the role that our imas had taken”, Sanayaima said.

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