Home » Man try to self immolate as govt. evicted houses

Man try to self immolate as govt. evicted houses

by Rinku Khumukcham
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 A person today tried to self immolate by pouring SK-Oil upon him as government machineries evicted his house at Lei Ingkhol in Chingmeirong. The person was however, arrested by a team of state security force and kept in the custody of Lamphel police. According to report, Govt. machineries came along with JCB vehicles and started dismantling the houses at Lei Ingkhol which were already acquire by the state government for construction of government quarter. Govt. source said that there are 110 occupied houses in the area and the compensation has already been paid. However, the occupants said that they will not shift the house until the government provide them place for settlement. When the govt. machineries along with a security came to drive out the occupants, womenfolk of the area gave strong resistence. The women pelted stones to the JCB vehicles and tried to prevent them from proceeding further. The state security force had hard time controlling the angry locals. MLA of Wangkhei Assembly constituency Y Erabot and O Henery a local politician, also came and tried to consoled the angry mob. Later, the govt. machineries left the spot to consult with the higher authority.

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