Home » Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) to be made operational by 2025

Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) to be made operational by 2025

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, July 27:

On the third day of the Second Session of the 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly, Relief & Disaster Management Minister Awangbow Newmai informed the House that Geological Survey of India (GSI) has initiated the Research & Development Activities and the ground work for developing regional Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) including the North Eastern Region. He continued that the evaluation and calibration of the models is still continuing and will be made operational after successful ground evaluation w.e.f 2025 onwards. This was stated by the Minister while replying to the question raised by MLA Shri Surjakumar Okram.
Regarding the recent massive landslide in Marangching, Noney District, Minister Awangbow further replied that the total number of fatalities were 58 as on 23rd July, 2022; 3 missing persons and 18 were injured.
Forest Minister Th. Biswajit Singh replying to the question raised by MLA Chinlunthang informed that there are 37 reserved forests and 23 protected forests of all the Districts of Manipur. Cheklaphai covering an area of about 52.84 Sq.Km was declared as Reserved Forest by Manipur State Darbar Resolution No.2 dated 12.12.1945 before the Indian Forest Act, 1927 was enacted in Manipur, the Minister added.
Leader of the House, N. Biren Singh said that steps have been taken up by the State Government to curb attacks on Non-Manipuris. In the last five years i.e. from 2017 to 2022 (till 25th July, 2022), 20 (Twenty) Non-Manipuris were killed. To stop such incidents, CM informed the house that various preventive measures have been taken up by the State Government. Regarding this, 14 (fourteen) FIR cases have been registered and investigation is going on; one accused was arrested and remanded into Judicial Custody. He further informed that the District Police in the state have been given instruction to always remain alert to curb incidents of attacks on non-Manipuris by way of collection of intelligence, regular frisking/checking, identification of suspected persons and regular checking of the places where the non-Manipuris reside; Deployment of police personnel round the clock in the worksites where non Manipuris are working in the districts has been done; Dedicated deployment in localities where there is sizeable non-Manipuri settlement/populations; Surprise search and verification drives are done in random places from timeto time based on inputs as well as on suspicion; Frequent patrolling in and around vulnerable pockets where the non-locals are residing. Interaction with non-local by officers is done at regular intervals. Local landlords and employers have been asked to be careful about potential threats and to extend cooperation to non-locals so that non-locals do not have to move out. Beat System is being implemented and concerned beat personnel are monitoring round the clock at the vulnerable areas of non-Manipuris residing in the districts.
Earlier, K. Ranjit Singh, MLA moved a calling attention motion on the reported Night Shelter Home being rented out by a private individual. On this, Labour Minister Heikham Dingo said that the matter is currently under Judicial process. While giving clarification on the calling attention motion by MLA, Kh. Joykisan Singh on the reported scarcity of water for agricultural purposes in Imphal East, Agriculture Minister Th. Biswajit informed the House that under the supervision of the Leader of the House, N. Biren Singh, District Level Committee with all the line departments have already been constituted to look into the matter.
The Leader of the House and Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh (also in-charge of Home)laid “The Manipur Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2021”.

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