The Chin Kuki Mizo (CHIKIM) Communities of Chandel District also celebrated the harvesting festival – Kut 2014 on Saturday at the campus of Standard English High School, Sugnu Tribal under the theme “Unity through Culture” with Ngamkholet Haokip of H. Kotlenphai as the Kut Pa.The Noon Session of the festival organised by the District Level Kut Committee, Chandel was graced by ST. Nunghlung Victor, MLA 41 Chandel Assembly Constituency; Nabachandra Singh, President of Kishan Morcha BJP Manipur pradesh; Ningthoujam Geoffrey, DC Chandel and Thangkholun Haokip, Ex-MLA 41 Chandel A/c as the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, Functional president and Chief Host respectively.As the huge crowd who were attired in their respective traditional dresses gathered for the Celebration, Ngamkholet Haokip, Kut Pa of the year declared the Kut Celebration begins. And the celebration began with exhibition of colourful Cultural Dances performed by the cultural troupes of different communities besides spectacular choreography performed by talented young artist including the students of Eimi Welfare, Manipur University in tuned with the theme – Unity through Culture.Apart from witnessing the 1st round of beauty contest for the coveted title of Miss Kut 2014, The Invited Kut Artistes also enthralled the huge gathering with the melodies songs.
Kut Celeberated at Chandel District