Armed group KCP MC (Liberation) has claimed responsibility behind the placing of the hand grenade at the entrance of the X-Ray room on Thursday evening. In a press communiqué of the outfit, signed by Lanchen Meitei, Secretary, Information and Publicity, Military Affairs, the armed group stated that the placing of the hand grenade was to prove the ability of the outfit to act at any time. It said the outfit is even preparing to turn the RIMS into a war-field in its effort to open up the curtain of the RIMS authority. It also warns of intensified action against the RIMS authority if it fails to follow the dictate of the outfit against the recently concluded recruitment examination of 116 staff nurses. The outfit also said that the committee of enquiry being conducted by authority of RIMS is nothing but to fool the people of the state and this will not be allowed.
KCP (MC) Liberation claims responsibility to the placing of the grenade at RIMS