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KCP (MC) Boycott Republic Day

by IT Web Admin
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The underground military outfit Kangleipak Communist Party (Military Council), KCP (MC) has urged the people of the state to observe total boycott on India’s Republic Day and has called 12 hour public curfew to protest the “Forceful Merger” of Manipur into India.
In a press release issued by Paikhomba Meitei, Secretary Information and Publicity Military Affairs of KCP (MC) clarifies that Manipur became a republic with the formation of a popular government through adult franchise under the Manipur State Constitution Act 1948 and that the State was annexed through “treachery and deceit” on October 15 by the Indian Union in contravention to the wishes of the people by having king Bodhchandra sign Merger Agreement under duress in Shillong in 1949.
The banned outfit, Kangleipak Communist Party-Military Council (KCP-MC) warned the people not to venture out in observance of the day. All business activities and transport services are advice to suspend their function on the day, however media, medical and religious services are exempted from the purview of the boycott.
“Anybody defying the ban on participation in Republic Day celebration would be viewed as supporters of the alien rule,” a release from KCP-MC said.
The 12 hour curfew imposed on 26 January will commence from morning 6:00 am to evening 6:00 pm effectively.

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