Home » JFA welcomes court verdict on retrenched PTI employees

JFA welcomes court verdict on retrenched PTI employees

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Guwahati, Nov 29,

Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) welcomes the verdict of Delhi High Court staying the retrenchment of 297 employees of Press Trust of India (PTI) and congratulates the employees for the historic legal success.
It may be noted that the higher court on 27 November 2018 passed an order to stay retrenchment of those PTI employees pointing out that the arbitrary policy of management didn’t follow the concerned rules.
Earlier the management of India’s most trusted news agency had sacked 297 employees (out of total 530 workers across the country) in a single day (29 September) arguing that there was no work for them.
Most of the sacked employees were engaged in transmission, IT and messenger department.
Later the federation of PTI employees union challenged the management in the higher court and now it terms the outcome  a victory. Indian Federation of Working Journalist, Brihanmumbai Union of Journalists with many other organizations hailed the court order.
“Technical upgradations of any organization are always welcome but that should not pave the way for shrinking space for employees. Those termed as worthless employees should have been given adequate
opportunities for improvement to perform better,” said a statement issued by JFA.

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