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JCILPS protest underway

by IT Web Admin
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After the JCILPS had announced to resume its agitation for introduction of a bill to safeguard the indigenous community of the state from the outsider, several form of agitation are lining up. After the committee had staged a protest rally at Thoubal district 4 days back, another similar protest rally is scheduled to stage at Bishnupur district. According to officials of the JCILPS, the rally will start from 11 am tomorrow and will be staged at Bishnupur Bazar. A Public meeting will also be organised after the public rally. The JCILP has been demanding a legislation for protection of the indigenous people of the state. The Regulations of Visitors, Tenants and Migrants introduced by the state government in the last state assembly session has been strongly protested by the JCILP on the ground that the content of the bill is not for the indigenous people of the state. The JCILPS has been demanding withdrawal of the MRVTM and has been urging the state government for re-introduction of a bill which will protect the identity of the indigenous people of the state.

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