Home » JAC formed against the suspicious dead of Yaiphaba block road

JAC formed against the suspicious dead of Yaiphaba block road

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Demanding the state authority to take action against the murderers of Yaiphaba Mutum, JAC of the deceased has blocked Singjamei road (NH-1) today.
Disappointed JAC members said that a memorandum was already submitted to the Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam seeking speedy investigation in the suspected homicide case of the deceased Yaiphaba Mutum so that those involved could be punished as according to the law of the land.
The JAC took the dead body of Yaiphaba for his last rite as the state authority was able to detained three suspected murderer however the three detainees was later released without  filing any FIR at afternoon of  September 19, JAC said. Strongly condemning the act of the state authority with the release of the three suspected murderer of Yaiphaba Mutum, JAC demands the concern to investigate the case to bring justice to the deceased family without looking for any relatives or known persons involved while committing the crime.
If the state authority fails to take immediate action against the murderer involved in committing the crime, JAC will stage strong movement against the state authority.
The dead body of Yaiphaba Mutum, s/o Mutum Kohay Singh of Singjamei Chingamakhong Chongtham Leikai was found floated at Khuyathong Pukhri Achouba in the morning of September 14.

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