ILPS demands protest underway

Imphal, June 2: With the imposition of 24 hours general strike by proscribed group KCP Poirei and Public curfew by JCILPS women wings, agitation demanding implementation of ILPS in the state, local club members, meira paibi organization and other supporters of the ILPS movement today also staged protest at various places here in the state. The kind of protest varies from place to place but demand is the same – “Implement inner line permit system in the state”.
At Imphal-Ukhrul road women volunteers of Khurai Lamlong Meira Paibi Lup and Yaingangpokpi Meira Paibi Lup staged protest by blocking the road at Khurai Lamlong and Yaingangpokpi area. Urging the government for implementations of ILPS in the state, protestors warned the MLAs of the All Political Party to understand the sentiment of the people.
A large number of women Meira paibi of Sekmai, Lilong Bazar and Keirao also staged a sti-in-protest at their local places with placards demanding the implementation of ILPS in the state.
Shops and business establishment at almost all places including Khwairamband Keithel, Kwakeithel, Thangal Keithel, Paona keithel, Lamlong Keithel, Chingmeirong, Singajamei, Thoubal etc. remain close as a part of the protest.
Most commercial vehicles stay off the road.

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