Home » Huge haul of betel leaf seized

Huge haul of betel leaf seized

by Rabi Takhellambam
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IT News
Imphal, May 19:
 A large number of locals including members of Khongjom Circle Covid-19 Relief Committee and representatives from 11 clubs of Khongjom Circle today stormed a brickfield and seized a huge haul of betel leaves estimated to be about three truckloads (about 180 baskets). A vehicle with flagpost reportedly belonging to the brickfield owner has also been seized. The incident happened at a brick field of Papal Mamang Leikai of Thoubal District under Khongjom police station when locals and club members who have been observing the activities inside the brick field decided to check out the warehouse. The brick field is owned by one Kangabam Jadumani of Charangpat who is also the Lok Janashakti Party (LJP) Manipur State Dalit President. A TATA truck bearing Registration no. UP20 AT-2678 along with 5 non-locals allegedly involved in the transportation of the betel leaves were also seized by the locals. Police personnel from Khongjom and Thoubal rushed to the spot while the locals were preparing to burn the betel leaves and confiscated the vehicles. According to a local Meirapaibi, the raid was conducted spontaneously while maintaining Covid-19 regulations, and also expressed suspicion that the owner must have been carrying out various other illegal activities, questioning the presence of non locals and the constant vehicular activities to and from the brick field while the public is forced to stay indoors and even had to defer going for treatment of mild health problem fearing action by the security forces who are enforcing the lockdown. Terming the owner of the brick field as more dangerous than the Covid-19 virus, a local expressed trust in the state government and believes that those involved will be punished under law to the satisfaction of the public.    

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