The state assembly today passed the controversial Manipur Regulation of Visitors, tenants and Migrant Workers (MRVTMW) Bill, 2015 which was produced by the leader of the house on March 13. Opposition MLA L Ibomcha suggested the house to reconsider the bill as it will be difficult in implementation. He said that the content of the bill is nothing new as there are already eight other Act already existing for checking of the migrants and domestic workers. Naming some of the Act like Domestic Worker Protection Act, Inter-state migrant workers regulation, Employment of labour Act and Motor Transport Workers Act, MLA Ibomcha said that all this Act are sufficient when it comes to the contents of the MRVTMW Bill. He however said that these Act are meant to be enforced by the State labour department but due to lack of proper manpower in the state labour department these act are useless.
On the other hand the bill did not mention the transit points for checking and also the authority which will be acting as the implementing agency. Stating that hotel owners, landlords or owners cannot be held responsibility for checking of the migrants, MLA Ibomcha drew the attention of the house to reconsider the bill.
MLA I Ibohalbi while sharing his view said that the bill was originally meant to be prepared by the recommendation made by a committee of the All Political Party. However, except for one point, none of the recommendation put up by the committee of the all political parties were not included, Ibohalbi said. Expressing his technical views he added that the term migrants used in the regulation is not a state list but is a union list.
MLA Th Shyamkumar also drew the attention of the house to re-look the contents of the bill as it lack various points to check the flow of illegal migrants which is a threat to the indigenous people of the state.
The Chief Minister while appreciating the MLAs for their views said that the bill is being prepared as it is the need of the hour. He said that loopholes at which the MLAs suggested can be amended in the course of time and requested the house to pass the bill. Later as majority counts the bill was passed by the house.
House passes controversial MRVTMW Bill amidst protest