Home » Doctors face difficulties in reaching hospital or returning hospital

Doctors face difficulties in reaching hospital or returning hospital

by IT Web Admin
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Director of JNIMS L. Deben today appealed the people of the state not to give any form disturbances to the staffs of the institutions as well as doctors on duty as it would amount to the suffering of those undergoing treatment at hospital. In a press meet held today at his office chamber, L. Deben said that some of the JCILPS supporters has been preventing hospital staffs either from going back to their home after duty or coming to the hospital for duty at various places. Even doctors or nurses and other hospital staffs transporting in ambulance vehicles were halted at various places by JCILPS supporters using dreadful and insulting words. He said 4 nurses of the hospital had to face the hostilities of the JCILPS supporters at Tiddim road, Langthabal and Lilong area while returning home in an ambulance of the relief committee yesterday evening. He said if doctors are not allowed then there will be no use  for opening Relief Committee to provide facilities to the injured volunteers during the agitation. He appealed JCILPS supporters to make free way for Doctors, nurses and staffs.

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