Home » Culture University Bill passed without reservation provision

Culture University Bill passed without reservation provision

by Rinku Khumukcham
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The Manipur University of Culture Bill 2015 was passed today in the ongoing state assembly session without the provision of  reservation today. While introducing the bill, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh who is also the leader of the house said that the motive for passing of the bill is to initiate the functioning of the bill .
MLA Samuel Risom while discussing the bill stated that there is no provision for reservation of tribal people in the bill. He further said that the provision mentioned in clause 10 of the bill which talk about the conducting of executive council meeting did not mentioned anything about the required number of members need to be presented for taking of a resolution . He further added that nothing about the need for inclusion of the minority and tribal community has been mentioned in the bill.
Clarifying to the objection raised by the MLA, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said that the purpose of the culture university is served the entire community of the state. He said reservation is mandatory and there is no need to include it in the bill. He said once the university has been established there will be a guideline and reservation will automatically includes.

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