Home » CORCOM greets woman of the region on International Women’s Day

CORCOM greets woman of the region on International Women’s Day

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, March 7:

CORCOM, a conglomerate of different outfits of Manipur greets the woman of the region with the coming of International Woman’s Day on March 8. A press release sent out by M. Sakhen, Media Co-ordinator of CORCOM said,” With the coming of International Woman’s Day on March, it should not be forgotten that Woman in the society still faces oppression till now. The theme for this year’s Woman Day Celebration is “Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. Supporting this theme, it has become necessary to the people around the world how woman of WESEA region are living and facing oppression.
The United Nations first started celebrating International Woman’s Day on March 8, 1975. However in 18 December 1979, Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women organized by UN General Assembly recognized the equal rights to be enjoyed by both.
The press release further said, “Woman of WESEA region are still lagging behind their male counterparts in terms of education and health care, and they have been suffering more. Women have not been given their rightful places in economic activities as well as political affairs. Casteism, discrimination and racism which is an integral part of Hinduism has been affecting the people of WESEA region greatly. With the coming of Hinduism, woman who were part of economic activities as well as political affairs are slowly sidelined and were not given equal rights.
With the coming of this year’s International Woman’s Day, to bring up womenfolk of the society to a higher and equal level is the need of the hour. The forceful merger of Manipur (Kangleipak) in 1949 to the Union of India brought an end to the already independent and democratic rule, violating all international laws. Recently, under the shadow of Armed forces Special Powers Act, 1958 there were numerous incidents of Human Rights Violation and outraging the modesty of women. The oppression and the inequality faced by the Manipuri Women cannot be removed until and unless Manipur become an independent state.

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