Home » Congress will fight tooth & nail to any attempt on dist. roll back

Congress will fight tooth & nail to any attempt on dist. roll back

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Imphal, March 20: The Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) welcoming the lifting of economic blockade imposed by the United Naga Council (UNC), warned that it would fight tooth and nail if the BJP government rolls back the creation of seven new districts in Manipur.
Nambol MLA N Loken, opposition leader and former Chief Minister of Manipur Okram Ibobi Singh said that the Congress party will not accept any move or attempt of the BJP to roll back the decision of the seven new districts in Manipur.
He reiterated that creation of the new districts was purely for the purpose of administrative convenience considering the hardship of the people.
“Will the BJP leave the people of Manipur to suffer and die by remaining a silent spectator and allowing the economic blockade to continue had it not come to power?” asked Ibobi.
He opined that the manner the economic blockade was lifted was suspicious and reeked of raw hunger for power of BJP.
Expressing his appreciation to Prime Minister Modi for materializing his commitment given to the people of Manipur in lifting the blockade, Ibobi said that it would be very unfortunate and tantamount to “murder of democracy” if all the initiative taken up by the BJP was only to come to power.
“It would be most unfortunate if the blockade was planned between the BJP and the UNC which is a frontal organization of NSNC-IM, just to bring itself in to power at the cost of the suffering of the people”, he asserted.

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