Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee Vice-President Hareshwar Goswami said he conveyed Manipur’s concerns during a visit to New Delhi, where he sought to engage with three Members of Parliament hailing from Manipur. Specifically, he met with two representatives in the Lok Sabha, namely Rajkumar Ranjan Singh and Lorho S. Pfoze, as well as one in the Rajya Sabha, Leishemba Sanajaoba. The primary purpose of these meetings was to implore the MPs to actively address and raise pertinent issues related to Manipur within the parliamentary forum.
Upon his return to Imphal, Goswami held a press conference at Congress Bhawan to share his perspective on the matter. During this public address, the seasoned Congress leader voiced his discontent and criticized the aforementioned trio of MPs. According to Goswami, there is a prevailing sentiment that these Manipur MPs might consider refraining from active participation in parliamentary discussions, given the assumption that Home Minister Amit Shah has already adequately represented and articulated the concerns of the region.
Expressing his dissatisfaction, Goswami articulated the Congress stance on the issue, stating that if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in power, there seems to be little purpose in sending Manipur’s elected representatives to the Parliament. Instead, he suggested that, leveraging their intelligence sources, feedback about Manipur could be channeled directly to Home Minister Amit Shah, allowing him to address the matters at hand. Goswami questioned the necessity of sending elected MPs if their role appears marginalized, emphasizing the need for a more impactful and purposeful representation of Manipur’s interests within the political landscape.
Goswami continued his critique, emphasizing the perceived reticence of Manipur’s MPs in addressing the pressing issues facing the state. He remarked, “There may be things on which Honourable MPs can or cannot speak. I believed that they may have handed over papers regarding the current Manipur conflict, though they did not get a reply on time.” This pointed to a potential lack of proactive engagement and communication between the MPs and the concerned authorities.
Undeterred, Goswami further asserted that the gravity of the situation in Manipur warranted a more assertive approach from its elected representatives. He envisaged the MPs taking a bold stand, even resorting to parliamentary procedures such as jumping on the well, to vociferously express the urgent concerns surrounding Manipur, a region grappling with violence for many months.
Drawing attention to recent parliamentary events, Goswami noted, “In the current winter session, 14 MPs were expelled by the speaker of the house. What’s wrong with it? Our MPs could have done the same. They could jump on the well and speak about Manipur. They should behave like lions, but they seem to be the lions who are in the cage, hiding.”
Goswami raised a critical question, questioning the MPs’ reluctance to take a bold stand: “Are they afraid to be expelled? Who are they afraid of?” In a stark juxtaposition, he reminded his audience of the grim realities in Manipur—many people residing in relief camps, parents separated from their children, and the government struggling to locate the bodies of missing persons. The contrast highlighted the urgency of the situation and the need for robust parliamentary representation to effectively address the multifaceted challenges confronting Manipur.
“Why fear expulsion from Parliament when the people of Manipur are in distress and their cries are echoing? The current winter session is concluding in a few days. What actions are they taking? The parliamentary session is ending soon, and it’s crucial for them to address the urgent issues facing Manipur,” he declared.
Congress Leader Hareshwar Goswami questions the relevance of Manipur MPs
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