DM College of Teacher Education organized a Community Contact Program at Mentally Handicapped Institute, Mongsangei today.
AK Surodhoni Devi, Asst. professor of DM College of Teacher education who attended the function as Chief Guest said that the program is organized as part of the B.Ed curriculum for the trainees to learn how to interact with mentally handicapped persons when they become teachers.
RK. Promo Shija- President of Mentally Handicapped Institute, Asst. Professors of DM College of Teacher education Dr. T Suren Singh, Dr. Santikumar and Y Ibechoubi graced the function as President and Guests of Honour respectively.
With the theme of community participation and social responsibility, the faculty members and student-teachers interacted with the differently-abled persons of the home. The children of the home showcased their talents in the programme by singing and striking different yoga poses. The college donated 1 water tank, 1 dustbin, 4 bags of local rice, 1 bag of superfine, 1 bag of potato, 1 bag of onion, 1 bag of salt, 30 kg cereals and edible oil. Moreover, the college joined hands with the Dental Department, JNIMS, Porompat and organised a free oral camp under the supervision of Dr, Angouba, Head of Dental Department, JNIMS, Porompat at the home.
Community Contact Program held for DM College trainee teachers
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