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College teachers express grievances

by IT Web Admin
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Members of Federation of Government College Teachers’ Associations Manipur (FEGOCTA) today meet the editors and correspondents of various newspaper based in Manipur and expressed their grievances over government’s failure to improve quality education in Higher education in the state.
Issues regarding the non implementation of UGG Regulation in terms of payment of salary for the college lecturers, government failure to improve the infrastructure and faculty conditions of colleges and its inability to follow the norms and guide lines provided under RUSA and also lack of government will to improve the Higher education were highlighted by three speakers from the side of the FEGOCTA.
Representatives of the FEGOCTA while speaking on the occasion said that the government failure in appointing permanent principals at the colleges is the main hurdle in maintaining quality education in the higher education of the state. He said government is not sincere in the selection process of the regular principal of the government colleges.
Dr. N Somorendro Singh, Assistant Professor, Manipur College and General Secretary, FEGOCTA, Smt. L Randhoni Devi, Associate Professor Imphal College and President FEGOCTA, Dr. H. Indrakumar, Associate Professor Modern College and Advisor FEGOCTA, Dr. Ch. Sheelaramani Devi, Associate Professor DMC of Arts and Vice President FEGOCTA spoke on the occasion as resource person.

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