CM visits Pandit Loishang, assures to protect the indigenous religion

IT News
Imphal, Oct 27:

Chief Minister N Biren Singh, who is also the president of Govindaji Temple Board along with Minister Satyabrata, the vice president of the Temple Board today visited Pandit Loishang and assures to protect the indigenous religion.

This is the first time that the Chief Minister visited the Pandit Loishang at Palace compound since the conflict between the Pandit Loishang members and the BJP members over the construction of structures related to the Govindaji temple on October 24. The Chief Minister reportedly met the members of the Pandit Loishang (Maru Loishang Kanba Lup) and discussed the problem and issues. After listening to the grievances of the members of the Maru Loishang Kanba Lup, the Chief Minister assured them that the structures constructed inside the Pandit Loishang premises for keeping the wheels of the Rath yatra (Konung Kang) will be given to the Pandit Loishang for utilization of the indigenous religion purposes.

Speaking to Imphal Times, convenor of the Maru Loishang Kanba Lup, Ng. Khomba said that during the meeting the Chief Minister had assured the members to hand over the constructed structure for keeping of the wheels of the Konung Kang to the Maru Loishang for utilisation of indigenous religion. The Chief Minister also reportedly assured to construct another story to the constructed site for the Pandit Loishang. However, the Chief Minister had appealed not to interfere to the construction of the structure for installation of (Sanbi Sannao) the cow with a calf. The Chief Minister however did not give any written assurance but said that he will give the written assurance in the days to come.

After listening to the Chief Minister, the members of the Maru Loishang Kanba lup said that the matter will be discussed along with the people of the state as they themselves could not take the decision. Convenor of the Maru Loishang Kanba Lup said that a meeting for discussion on what the Chief Minister had assured them will be discussed along with the people and decides regarding the matter.

During the visit, the Chief Minister was shown the three Gods and other local deities which the Pandit Loishang has been protecting.

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