Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said that the curfew imposed at both Imphal East and Imphal West district may be relaxed from 6 am to 12 noon tomorrow if the situation improved.
“No government has ever wanted to imposed indefinite curfew even during the time of war”, OkramIbobi said while giving clarification during debate for passing of the Manipur Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 2015, on the last day of the state Assembly session.
Regarding the closure of the schools, the Chief Minister said that various organisations are using the school students as shield to various violent protests. He said that the students were taken out against the will of the teachers by the organisations to use them for protest. He however said that the government cannot keep the school close for long as it would affect their academic curriculum. He said that the government may consider for extra classes to recover the academic activities that has been left out.
On the MRVTMW (2015) Bill, the Chief Minister today said that the governor did not return it but has kept it stating that the bill is reserved for consideration of the President of India. Mentioning the technical difficulties in the withdrawing of the Bill, he said his government will discuss the matter with the legal expert. As for the passing of the bill, OkramIbobi said that it was done in good intention. He said once the bill is given consent, those left out can be amended from time to time.
Appealing the JCILPS to withdraw the ongoing agitation, the Chief Minister said that government is always open for talk at any time for consideration of the matter as the issue is for all the people of the state.
CM moots for curfew relaxation from tomorrow; says organisations using students as shield in violent protest
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