Home » Cleaning the indigenous spirit- Rituals held at the Imphal River Catchment area

Cleaning the indigenous spirit- Rituals held at the Imphal River Catchment area

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Sept 15,

Preachers and followers of the Manipuri’s Indigenous Sanamahi Religions along with volunteers of Manipur Proletariat Peoples’ Democratic Union (MPPDU), Socialist Students’ Union of Manipur (SSUM), Proletarian Feminist Movement (PoFM) and the Socialist Women Association (SWA) today performed rituals to clean Imphal River at the catchment area of the River at Koubru area.
“The one time secret River of the people have been polluted with outsiders influence and as we felt the cleaning of the River as the need of the hour SSUM with like minded civil bodies after pleading and taking advice from the religious preachers performed this ritual,”, Genral Secretary of SSUM told media persons at the site.
The ritual performance of cleaning the river is perhaps the first time and the four organization is organization on advice with political necessities.
“Since the last many years our Secret river has been dump with culture and traditions which had invaded the region. Allowing the pollution of our culture may have been accepted by our forefather without knowing that they are wrong”, Bushan said adding that, “We cannot blame our forefather for what we are, it is ‘we’ that has to start cleaning our culture”.
“Alien culture blown from various parts has been slowly eroding or culture and we organised this ritual for cleaning of the Imphal River as a part of the month long observance of Lamyanba Hijam Irobot “, Bushan said.
Bidhu Khuman, a preacher of the Sanamahi religion and  also one of the main architect of University of Sanamahi Culture beside being 3 times member of the  Sanamahi Temple Board said that the ritual being performed today is perhaps the first of its kind. He said that the motive behind such a ritual is to bring unity to all the people of the region.
“To unite ourselves first thing we need is to clean our body”, Bidhu Khuman said.
He further added that as per indigenous religion we believe Koubru as the head and the streams are the part and keeping the river clean will keep our body clean.

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