Home » Chief Minister flags off Haj pilgrims, Urges to make ‘dua’ for the state during their pilgrimage

Chief Minister flags off Haj pilgrims, Urges to make ‘dua’ for the state during their pilgrimage

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Imphal, July 29: Chief Minister N. Biren Singh today flagged off 248 Haj pilgrims at Tulihal International Airport today.
The pilgrims led by MLA and Manipur State Haj Committee (MSHC) Member Abdul Nasir and MSHC Executive Officer Salauddin Khan left for Guwahati for their onward journey to the holy city of Mecca.
Speaking to media persons after seeing off the pilgrims, N. Biren said that he greeted the pilgrims and urged them to make a ‘dua’ (prayer to Allah) for peace and tranquillity in Manipur.
He also said that the pilgrims also promised him to pray for the State during their pilgrimage.
Stating that Manipur had recently experienced unwanted loss of lives and sudden occurrence of natural calamities, the Chief Minister said that people tend to yearn for spiritual solace when such tragedies happen.
Parliamentary Secretary (MOBC and Commerce and Industries) Ashab Uddin and MSHC Chairman Amin Shah were also present at the occasion.
In all, 391 people including 178 women had been selected for Haj pilgrimage from the State under Manipur State Haj Committee this year.
All of them will stay at Haji Musafir Khana, Guwahati before they leave for Mecca in two batches on July 30 and 31.
Mention may be made that 120 pilgrims had already left for Guwahati yesterday and another 17 persons on July 27. The remaining pilgrims will leave Imphal for Guwahati tomorrow.
The pilgrims will be assisted by two Khudam-ul-Hujaaz (guides) throughout their journey.

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