Major General Shashank Shekhar Mishra, VSM took over the reins of the prestigious Red Shield Division from Major General P Nagesh Rao, SM at a ceremony held at Leimakhong today.
Major General P Nagesh Rao, SM relinquished the command of Red Shield Division with a successful and eventful tenure. The exemplary conduct of the Red Shield Division in all spheres of operations and administration was ensured by the continuous guidance of the General Officer. On his relinquishing today, the General wished the people of Manipur success, harmony and peace.
Major General Shashank Shekhar Mishra, VSM is a decorated soldier with varied staff and instructional appointments in the Army. The General Officer has varied experience in the Army and has teneted various coveted appointments. In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the Army and Nation, he was awarded the prestigious ‘Vishisht Seva Medal’ in the year 2009. The General Officer has promised to continue Red Shield Division’s commitment towards peace & stability in State of Manipur..
Change of command at Red Shield Division
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