Home » Chain of check dams on tributaries of Gomti river help restoration and provides irrigation in UP

Chain of check dams on tributaries of Gomti river help restoration and provides irrigation in UP

by Rinku Khumukcham
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By-Babie Shirin
Lucknow, Sept. 29,

 Releasing water into Gomti is a must to rejuvenate the drying river, which is also threatened by pollution from industries and domestic waste. The high power committee set up by union ministry of water resource is deliberating on releasing excess water from Ghaghra into Gomti through pipeline. The two rivers might be linked at Ramnagar, Barabanki because the distance between the two rivers is shortest there about 50 to 60 kms. To conserve the water and to redirect it into Gomti in the lean season, there is a need to construct reservoir, dams and revive old tributaries i this view, Behta check dam has built on Gomti river tributaries which is located at Nale, Lucknow district. This dam helps restoration and provides irrigation in larger circulation in Uttar Pradesh.
While, UP is one of the largest exporter of agriculture products in India, central government has also invested much in the state. Check dam are important component of agriculture in UP providing irrigation facilities and raising ground water level is necessary. Built Behta check dam in 2015-16 and finished construction in 2016 march has benefitted 100 cultivators around Budhariya Gram Panchayat of Maliyabad, Lucknow district.
The check dam measures 20 metres wide and has height of 2metres and covers 77 hectares of agriculture land. This dam has increase around 3metres groundwater level and gives many other benefits to surrounding villages besides farmer.
About this dam minor irrigation department assistant engineer, Umesh Singh told to state media persons that the dam was constructed under district plan and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) convergence with total cost of Rs 45,21 lakh.
One of beneficiaries, Nabi Ahmed said that the dam has been benefitted his agricultural land since its construction. He cultivates wheat, fruits and vegetables such as brinjal and potato. He said his income has doubled and even tripled with proper irrigation channel from this check dam.
Besides according to Uttar Pradesh pollution control board flow of Gomti has reduced by 35 to 40% over the years. Against this, biotic pressure on the river has increased. Number of people living along its banks and extraction of water from the river is more. Conservationist suggests releasing water from Sharda to Gomti to maintain minimum flow. Desilting the river to increase its depth is an urgent requirement because with slight increase in rainfall in rainy season, Gomti gets flooded. To conserve the water and to redirect it into Gomti River the check dam has built at Behta River, one of the tributaries of Gomti River.
If the river gets ample water, pollutions will not ne threat for the river so there is need to restore Gomti’s tributaries. More numbers of check dam has plan to build up at Gomti’s tributaries.

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