Home » Celebration of National Girl Child Week begins at Ukhrul Headquarter

Celebration of National Girl Child Week begins at Ukhrul Headquarter

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Jan 18:

The Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) department of Ukhrul District has kick started a 5-day programme on girl’s child education and empowerment under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(BBBB) at DRDA Hall, Mini-Secretariat, Ukhrul today. Deputy Commissioner of Ukhrul District Shri. Krishna Kumar IAS attends the openning ceremony of the programme as the Chief Guest in the presence of DPO of ICDS Smt. AW. Shimreipam, AC to DC & SDO LM Block, A Rohini Kumar and PO of DRDA Shri Ngamreiwung.
The Chief Guest welcome every girl child born in the district and said they are the backbone to the future of the district and state. Every parent should ensure equal treatment to all the girls in the family. He further said the government in paticular ICDS should take proper initiative to empower girl in the region.
During the event of the opening ceremony signature campaign was held and pledge was read out. The pledge read that every ctizen in the country sould act in all possible ways individually and collectively to eliminate gender biased discrimination and sex selection that threatens the birth and the survival of girls. It added to enable girl’s child education and ensure that girls are born, loved and nutured to become equal & empowered citizens of the country.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme was initially introduced on 22nd January 2015 all over the country with an aim to bring balance in the sex ratio in India. The programme was initiated by three ministries, the Ministry of Women and Child, Ministry of Family Welfare and Ministry of Education, Government of India. The programme was specially meant to empower female child and reduce discrimination in the society.

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