A specialized team from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrived in Imphal today via a special flight, to investigate the murder case of Hijam Linthoingambi and Phijam Hemanjit. The team, led by Ajay Bhatnagar, the Special Director of the CBI, includes Joint Director Ghanshyam Upadhyay, who is currently stationed in Imphal said a source. The team consists of officers with expertise in special crime, crime scene recreation, interrogation, and technical surveillance. Additionally, experts from the CBI’s Central Forensic Science Laboratory are also part of the team.
Yesterday, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh announced that the Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and a specialized team are scheduled to arrive in Imphal on Wednesday. Their mission is to conduct an investigation into the tragic murder case involving two tennagers, Hijam Linthoingambi and Phijam Hemanjit.
CBI team arrives to investigate murder of two students
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