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Boy lost life while saving motorists from rampaging truck

by IT Web Admin
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One person was killed in a road accident today at Khabeisoi Mamang Leikai. The accident occurred today at around 11 am under Heingang police station.
The person killed in the accident has been identified as Boboi Mayangmayum, age 21, s/o Ayub Khan of Khabeisoi Mamang Leikai. Boboi was run over by one water tanker truck. According to a report from the spot, Boboi lost his life while trying to save two girls travelling in one Activa who were about to be run over by one water tanker truck. The tanker earlier had struck a car which was pulled over by the locals for collecting donation on the road in connection with the Yaoshang festival (Holi).
The truck ran over Boboi along with the Activa where he lost his life. During the accident the girls who were travelling on the Activa escaped without any injury. The driver of the water tanker bearing registration number MN05-3744fled from the site of the accident. Locals of Khabeisoi Mamang Leikai took out an agitation to bring out the accused driver. Heingang Police have registered a case against the incident.
The very water tanker truck reportedly struck 3 vehicles before running over the deceased person.

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