A Team of BJP Mahila Morcha led by its national vice-president A Sarda Devi on Wednesday extended financial assistance to the earthquake affected victims who are undergoing medical treatment at RIMS Hospital.
Accompanied by former BJP Mahila Morcha presidents RK Santirani, Gunabati and other NGO workers, A Sarda Devi personally met the victims and handed over the financial assistance amounting Rs 1000 each to quake affected victims.
While condoling loss of lives due to the 6.7 magnitude earthquake, BJP Mahila Morcha Vice president A Sarda said that the incident was very unfortunate.
As Manipur falls under seismic zone-V, providing awareness to the general public about the earthquake is need of the hour. While constructing new buildings, people need to follow the building by laws, she said.
Taking a jibe at congress government, she said that cracks developed in the newly constructed historic Ima Market of Manipur as quality was not properly maintained while constructing the market. Natural disaster has revealed the corrupt practices of the government, she added.
It may be recalled that 60 quake affected victims were hospitalized at RIMS on Monday. Of it, 40 patients have already been discharged from the hospital after their health condition was not critical.
The devastating earthquake measuring 6.8 magnitude rocked Manipur in early morning of Monday. So far eight people have been confirmed dead, while more than 100 others have been admitted injured.
BJP Mahila Morcha extends aid to quake victims
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