Home » ASUK, NLFT call total shutdown in Manipur and Tripura on October 15

ASUK, NLFT call total shutdown in Manipur and Tripura on October 15

by Huirem Naresh
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IT News

Imphal, Oct 12

Armed Rebel groups – National Liberation Front of Twipra (NLFT) and the Alliance for Socialist Unity, Kangleipak (ASUK), has called total shutdown in Tripura and Manipur from 5 am to 5 pm of October 15, as a mark of protest against the merger of both the state to Indian Union. The rebel’s statement signed by H. Uastwng Borok, President, NLFT and  N. Oken, Chairman, ASUK term the day as dark period of Manipur.

Religious activities and emergency services are exempted from the purview of the total shut down, the statement said.

The statement said that India has been occupying Kangleipak (Manipur) and Twipra (Tripura) since the 15th October, 1949 after the two infamous ‘Merger Agreements’ of 1949. The said merger agreements were signed under duress by two incompetent authorities of the two kingdoms, in case of Manipur, the king, who had already been reduced to the stature of a mere figurehead of the kingdom after the installation of a popularly elected legislature and government, and in case of Tripura, the queen regent, whose legitimacy had become questionable after the unilateral dissolution of the council of regency, it added.

“After 70 years of Indian colonization of our states, it is crystal clear that Indian rule has been proved to be a noose around our neck which is tightening ceaselessly. We have become demographically outnumbered or nearly outnumbered, politically marginalized and disintegrated, economically dependent and pauperized, socially disorganized and splintered, morally degenerated, bastardized and treacherous, and psychologically diffident and vacillating. National doom is staring at us viciously. Merger with India is the root-cause of all these national maladies”, the statement signed by the two leaders said.

 It said the decision to join was done out of pure miscalculation. There were many indications of their unrealistic comprehension that the then dominion of India would become a loose confederation of states and provinces like British India, where every component entity enjoyed internal sovereignty, it added.

“We face a gigantic challenge of Indian colonialism, of which the ultimate objective is to create a harmonious Aryan Hindu nation out of the present mosaic of diverse nationalities and communities through cultural and ethnic assimilation of the minority communities by the majority Hindi speaking and Hindi knowing heartland Indians. This is nothing short of a bloodless genocide of the peripheral minority communities. Our response to this Indian colonial challenge is armed struggle for total national independence” , the statement said.

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