Home » Assam Rifles Shangshak Battalion conducts medical camp

Assam Rifles Shangshak Battalion conducts medical camp

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Dec. 7

A medical camp was organised  by Shangshak Battalion of 10 sector Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR(South) at Bungdung village on 06 December. Villagers from the Kashung, Punamram, Kangkum and Manthouram were also treated in the medical camp. A total of over 100 villagers were attended by the doctor and provided requisite medicines.
One serious case was also treated at the medical camp. At around 0900 hours Mr Ikrumi, r/o Waikhong village reported to the camp with a deep laceration wound under his left hand. The doctor gave immediate first aid and stopped the profuse bleeding from his hand which not only prevented excessive blood loss but also saved his precious life. The patient was referred to Imphal for further medical treatment.
The villagers acknowledged the effort of the unit and conveyed their heartfelt gratitude for the continuous support received from Assam Rifles.

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