Assam Rifles launches Sanitization Drive

IT News
Imphal, June 4:

With Covid-19 second wave there is a sudden surge in the infection spreading to rural areas, and increasing cases in the state of Manipur, 44 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 22 Sect Assam Rifles / IGAR(E) in collaboration with IT Road task force undertook COVID sanitization drive in Chalwa village, Dist – Kangpokpi on yesterday.
The unit COVID response team carried out sanitation of all the important population centres to include the church, marketplace, village quarantine centre, village containment zones. Team along with the local volunteers carried out spraying of disinfectant around these places. An awareness campaign to educate the public about social distancing and how to stop the spreading of the virus was also carried out. Locals were also encouraged to stay inside and told about the importance of washing of hands and maintaining hygiene and sanitation.
The unit vivid response team in collaboration with local volunteers shall be visiting other villages in Tuling area to restrict the spread of the pandemic.The team has planned to carry out a mass sanitation drive in the entire Tuilang area in the coming days as a measure against the spread of the virus. Unit is also conducting vaccination drive in collaboration with civil administration of the district.

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