Without a regular Director for 9 months administration at RIMS is becoming a total flop
Around Rs. 80 lakhs worth equipment called ‘Ligasure and Force Triad’, procured by the authority of Regional Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) during the year 2011 has never been seen at the institute. Authority at RIMS has never made any complaints about its missing to any authority.
Ligasure and Force Triad is a energy equipment that combine an electrical energy designed to produce minimal collateral injury with the ability to adjust current during sealing base on tissue impedance to current flow during surgery. The missing of this Multi lakhs worth machine came to the notice, after some of the surgeons were compelled to conduct surgical operation using portable torch light inside Operation Theater yesterday. According to reports, as RIMS remain black out from 10.30 am to 12.30 noon yesterday all scheduled surgical operation were cancelled. However, as a patient had already been provided anesthesia, the surgeon taking the risk performed the operation using portable torch light.
“RIMS is becoming a total flop institution with no regular Director for over 9 months “, said a retired doctor who happened to witness the incident. He said for no reason one among the 8 Operation Theater remain closed and unused since June 2012. And the Air Conditioning systems of the OTs are not functional, he added. According to source from the OT unit some of the doctors used to keep the key of the OT rooms so that they can perform surgery at any time desired.
As according to the findings of Imphal Times, huge amount of money ( nearly 1 crore) has been sanction for renovation work of the 8 OT some months back. RIMS also have Laparoscopy Surgery facility. Amount for this surgery per patient is reported to have cost rupees 5000. But some of the staffs at RIMS said that this amount does not deposit to the right account of the Institution.
When dig further, Imphal Times also found some more irregularities which were never checked. Fund earmarked for construction of major project like construction of Dental College, Nursing College, Guest House, Hostels and quarters was diverted for constructions of minor works and renovations which can be sanctioned at the director’s level. Which mean in the last 9 plus months the RIMS authority has spend around Rs. 135 crores on various unplanned works.
It has also been found out that during these 9 months with no regular director, no proposal could be made for development of RIMS as in-charge director do not have statutory power for making such proposals.