Home » Another endangered Pony species found dead due to negligence

Another endangered Pony species found dead due to negligence

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Ranbir Mangang
A Manipuri Pony was found dead and dumped on the side of a road near Imphal College, Tiddim Road.
The Pony was spotted by morning walkers while going for their everyday morning walk at Tiddim road.
While interviewing a morning walker by our staff reporter, said the pony have been lying dead since yesterday, October 18, 2015.
The Pony might be hit by a vehicle during night time.
So far no government authority has come to collect the animal which has been lying dead since yesterday.
Not a single member of People for Animals, one of the well known animal welfare organization of Manipur didn’t even turn up.
By passers are facing problems while passing through the dead Pony as foul smell has already spread at the area, the walker added.
Concerning the negligence and treatments of this rare species, if the Government of Manipur didn’t initiate  an emergency pony protection and preservation programme then the whole pony population is in stark danger of being entirely wiped out within the next two three years.
It is an undeniable fact that indigenous Manipuri pony, though, small in size had gifted the game of polo to the world, the indigenous ponies to which Polo owes its origin since time immemorial and got the name for its swiftness, sturdiness and tolerance in the game of Polo.

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