Home » Activists donate blood for minor cancer patient

Activists donate blood for minor cancer patient

by IT Web Admin
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Thoubal,July 30: Delhi team of Social Warriors Manipur led by N Sambhu and M Daina Friday rushed to AIIMS Delhi and donated three units of blood to Laishram Nganthoi Devi (4 years), D/o Laishram Premjit of Malom Tulihal, a blood cancer patient who is undergoing treatment at the premier medical institute.
The minor patient required four blood units for which the SWM team was ready to provide.
The team will provide the due blood unit today. The team also assured the parents of the minor girl that they would provide all necessary blood for the child. N Sambhu, A Anandajit and Dr Jonna gave
their blood for the child. SWM activist N Rinakumari presented a teddy bear toy to the patient.

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