Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), Manipur also condemns the incident terming it as the insensitive and inappropriate approach of the state govt. and its forces to the students demonstrating demanding implementation of ILP in Manipur resulting in the death of Late Sapam Robinhood of Ananda Singh Higher Secondary School and injuries to many other students. In a press statement the ABVP said Okram Ibobi Singh led Government has failed to protect the democratic rights of its citizens to protest. The state police force also is to be blamed equally for not following proper crowd control procedures resulting in the mishap, it added. ABVP blamed the state government for trying to suppress the issue forcefully disregarding the sentiments of the Manipuri people.Imposing curfew and closure of educational institutions cannot be a long term solution to this issue the statement added.
ABVP condemns killing of student
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