Home » A two day national Seminar on Tourism kicks off

A two day national Seminar on Tourism kicks off

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, April 18:

A two day National seminar on ‘Sustainable Tourism in North East India’ (18-19 April, 2022) inaugurated today at N.G. College, Imphal. The seminar is organised by Political Science Dept., N.G. College and Centre for Alternative Discourse Manipur.
Delivering his inaugural speech, the Vice Chancellor of Manipur University Prof. N Lokendra Singh stressed on the need for alternative tourism that was not to be based on mega modern infrastructure but on a sensitive process of tourism that was region and community friendly. He further stressed on the need for an eco friendly tourism as an essential aspect of economy for which people needed to prepare themselves to deal with tourists and visitors. As the people in the region in general and Manipur in particular were protective of their self and identify, there was a need for understanding the significance of tourism without compromising region’s diversity and distinctiveness. The vice chancellor also took the example of Southeast Asian countries which were adopting region and context specific tourism roadmap.
Waikhom Ibohal, MCS – Director, Department of Tourism, Govt. Of Manipur also spoke on the prospects and challenges of tourism in Manipur. He revealed how the Government was committed to an eco friendly tourism which was to uphold the aspects of conservation of natural biodiversity and incredible water bodies like the Loktak lake. The government has adopted a system of ecology friendly infrastructure in sensitive areas like Shirui, location of ancient caves and Loktak lake, etc., said the Director. The recommendations of the Seminar was to be of great source for policy perusal, stated the Director.
Ashok R.C, principal – NG College, applauded the concept of the Seminar as it was integral to modern economies.
Manipur was endowed with natural beauty, flora and fauna and community cultural practices, said the Principal.
The keynote address was delivered by Dr Mangoljao Maibam, Seminar Convenor. He underscored the challenges and prospects of Tourism in the region. The convenor stressed on the significance of a sustainable tourism that was considerate of region’s biodiversity and indigenous economies.
The two day seminar was to have six technical sessions. Scholars, policy makers and academia from various universities across India were expected to place their views and papers in the two day proceedings.
Scholars from Karnataka University, Delhi University, Nagaland University, Sikkim University, Manipur University, Dhanamanjuri University and Mizoram University were to present their papers on tourism.

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