Home » 7 injured in IED blast in the heart of Imphal City

7 injured in IED blast in the heart of Imphal City

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Sept 24,

At least 7 persons were injured early today morning when a low intensity Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded in front of a shop located near the entrance gate of the Major Khul Imphal.
According to police report the blast occurred at 5.45 am today morning and those injured by the splinters of the blast were all daily wage earner. All the injured have been rushed to RIMS hospital for treatment. Doctors said all the six are out of danger.
All the six persons were daily wage earner and have been identified as Sunil Gupta (38 yrs), s/o Vaqeer Singh of UP, presently staying at Khuyathong, Chotu Sarani (26 yrs) s/o Ram Naresh of UP, Dhamendra Shahani  (24) s/o Ram Prakash of Bihar, Dharam Yadav (20) yrs , s/o Bacha Yadav of Bihar. The three of them are presently staying at Major Khul and Dharmasala. The two other injured in the blast are Ranjit Shah (46 yrs) s/o  Sitaram Shah of Bihar and Rajesh Shani (32), s/o Mahindra Shah of Bihar presently staying at Nagamapal.  

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