Home » 4th Death Anniversary of Lamjing Meira Robinhood held; Intense agitation will be initiated to implement ILP with or without assent – Dilipkumar

4th Death Anniversary of Lamjing Meira Robinhood held; Intense agitation will be initiated to implement ILP with or without assent – Dilipkumar

by Salam Chingkheinganba
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IT News

Imphal July 8,

Fitting tribute was paid today to Late Sapam Robinhood on his 4th Death Anniversary observance at Lamjing Mera Ching formerly known as Awa Ching at Nongmaiching in the Imphal East District of Manipur.

“Intense agitation will be initiated by JCILPS along with the people to implement ILP system in Manipur with or without the assent”, Convenor of JCILPS Yumnamcha Dilipkumar said while speaking on the occasion.

He further highlighted that the Manipur Peoples’ Bill was passed by the State Assembly on 2018 but the Governor doesn’t give assent and does becomes an useless one left on the custody of the President.

He said that JCILPS still struggle to pass the bill.

Yumnamcha Dilipkumar declared that a high power team of JCILPS with or without any legislature will go to the residence of President to push their demand. Intense agitation and movement of the people will be initiated if the President fails to give the assent.

Advisor of Manipur Muslim Welfare Jackie Masood Maibam condemned the legislature who camped for many days at Delhi for their race of power but doesn’t camp and stay to push the demand to give assent for bill to pass.

Government employees went on strike for many days for their demand implementation of 7th Pay Commission but were not interested in doing movement to save the indigenous people added Masood Maibam.

Clarifying the wrong notion in the minds of people he said that people charge Meetei Pangals for giving safe haven for Rohingya and Bangladesh Muslim. He said that not a single Meetei Pangals will give shelter to any of the Rohingya or Bangladesh Muslim. 

Reminding the tragic incident at which Robinhood lost his life, Co-convenor of JCILPS Jeetendra Ningombam said that on this day of 2015 Robinhood lost his life due to the police brutalities while staging protest demonstration for implementation of Inner Line Permit System. 

At a time when people are demanding for implementation of ILPS in the state, the move of the Central government to pass contentious CAB should be opposed by the people.

Jeetendra continued that even if the President doesn’t give assent to the Manipur People Bill, they will still continue to demand a Bill similar to ILPS to protect the indigenous people. 

He concluded that agitation and movement will continue if their demand is not fulfilled.

Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) has been observing the day as Lamjing Meira day . Sapam Robinhood a student of Ananda Singh Higher Secondary School, died after he was hit by bullet fired by security force  while demonstrating a protest demanding implementation of inner line Permit system in the state Manipur on this day of 2015.

A large number of peoples including students, CSOs and different community leaders paid homage to the martyr.

In the observance H. Ibotombi khuman, International &National Awardee,  Phulindro Konsam, Chairman COHR, Thiyam Bharat Reader CSSEIP-MU, Nongthombam Bimol President MAPI Council, T.  Achung Kon General Secy Kon Union Manipur, Jackei Masood Maibam Advisor MMWO attended the function as presidium members.

As a part of the observance, JCILPS along with JNIMS organised a blood donation camp.

Saina Institute of Medical Sciences, Porompat also conducted a free medical camp on the spot of the observation.

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