Youth in democracy

By – Dr. R.K. Ahingba

Youth the future pillars of the society. Today’s youth is turning out to be a responsible part of the population which wishes to see change in the governance. They are not afraid of voicing their opinion and the consequences that may come later.
In today’s society the youth are stripped off from what’s there in the name of corruption so no matter how much certificate or degree you have the one with the money is given the utmost importance. Leading to mass unemployment. Which in-turn can lead to them becoming toxic for the society. Understanding the current situation, there is a major role of the youth in the Indian democracy, given the freedom to work the way they want to, the youth can change or rather transform the way our country functions. Even-though youths are regarded for their impulsive and frivolous decision making, they should be a part of the decision making because a fresh mind perspective is often good with some guide of course. Voting is another way today’s youth can help in moulding the society we live in. Also campaigning and social media in today’s technical world social media plays a huge role in shaping today’s society. Because everything is just a button stop.
If the youths of today are aware of their power and voice they can easily take over today’s democracy and make it a better place for times to come.

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