by Rinku Khumukcham
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By-  Themneivah Sitlhou

Have you ever face a complete loss at some point in your life? Have you ever think that you will never come out of that trauma in your life? We felt our life has gone through a point of no return. We felt dismay and submit ourselves to our fear. Life is full of ups and downs. The part where we lost ourselves in despair is what we know as the dark side of our life story.

Life is a journey and it is a movement with time. Here is a question for you. Do you ever realised that you free yourself from that depression which you think would end up your hopes and happiness in your life. Yes, we do. Whatever hardship we encountered in our life ended up at one point or the other. Life gave us a task with challenges. Facing all these challenges help us grow stronger and also gave us more reasons to go on. Indeed some challenges in our life such as problems in work place, personal life and social relationships have things to do with our patience. Some problem needs to do with time while others with patience. Also, some problem needs to go with precautions and others with healing. A lock comes together with a key so do problems with answer.

We observed World Mental Health Day in 10th October annually. According to the report, One billion of people are mental disorder, three million die using alcohol during depression and one person commit suicide every forty seconds. “Mental Health for all” is our this year theme. There is no forms and Symptoms of depression unlike when we suffer from cold, diarrhea, stomachache etc. Everyone has a dark side of their story to tell. However these are also what we don’t want others to find out. When we are deeply depressed we felt like everything is over . As there is no vivid symptom of depression and the victim has no guts to expose, they fight all alone. So, why don’t we share more love to people around us!? Only when we give a little love, we can make our world a better place to live in. Humanity is directly related with human beings such as photosynthesis to plants. Earth is our only planet where we can survive. So isn’t clear that humanity exist/ should exist in our world?!!

Talking about depression, let us go back to the time when a complete lockdown was announced in our country. We were petrified of corona virus. We all are aware of how dangerous it is. We should admit ourselves that we felt like our life would end any second. Sometimes we lost ourselves thinking that our Earth would be taken up by plants and animals in near future. No matter of how deathly it is and how we exaggerate it, our world is recovering and there is also a good sign that our world is healing soon. It is all about a matters of time, patience, precautions and healing. It is worth mentioning of epidemics like cholera, smallpox and influenza which are some of the brutal killers in human history. Even when the world is at the edge of leaping, it still survives. 

A strong person would say, “This too shall pass” when they face problems. Therefore you should also say “This too shall pass” when you face hardship. If you ask me, why? Yes, you are a strong person. Let me clarify it for you. Take a deep breathe and think of all problems you could think of since your childhood. Think of how tough it was yet you still make out. Therefore, if you are reading this with safe and sound, how can I make it more clear that you are a strong person!!???

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