Home » Religious riots vs. humanity

Religious riots vs. humanity

by Rinku Khumukcham
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By- Harkirat Kaur

The core of religion is truth. The purpose of Dharam is to create truthful human beings. Only a truthful human beings can be created clean society. When a human being was born from his mother’s womb, he had no religion, he did not know who the Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians were, he just seemed to be all human beings, the same human beings like him. As the family grew older, it became clear to us whether we were Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims or Christians, all we had to do was go to our place of worship and worship. When the child tried to find out about other religions, he was immediately stopped and reprimanded that he could only acquire knowledge about his own religion. Such an environment and behavior inherited from childhood instills in the child a fear of religion, a fear of God and jealousy of other religions. The only common religion of a human being is humanity. The Gurus, Peer Prophets, Rishis and Munis of all the religions have preached the service of humanity, eliminated caste, division in the name of religions and preached “Manas Ki Jaat Sabhe Ek Pahchanbo”. But I am amazed at the situation today that only those who call themselves righteous, the so-called guardians of humanity, are destroying humanity in the name of religion. I believe that if you have to cause riots, play with people’s lives, roll people’s leaves to make your religion look the best, then it does not deserve to be called a religion. I am not talking about riots of any one religion but of riots in the name of all religions. History has shown that from time immemorial, some so-called religious leaders have washed their faces in the bloodbaths of the people in order to persuade them of their religion. Some of the cracks are still there when in the riots in the name of religions, six-foot-tall young sons of mothers were turned into piles of ashes. Has anyone ever tried to think what is the philosophy of religion? What does religion say, in the name of which people’s houses are demolished, riots are carried out, then it is not even worthy to be called a religion, because no religion, be it Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, has ever preached genocide. Rather, the prophets of all religions have preached peace.
In the blind devotion of religion, the blind and deaf people do not see the pain of the suffering people nor do they hear the screams. There is no doubt that religious devotion leads the human being to the straight path but blind faith also destroys the human being. This devotion not only destroys a house but also destroys streets, neighborhoods, cities. I often watch religious debates on social media and other news channels and am amazed at how so-called highly educated people are abusing religion in the name of religion on the national platform!
I think we should all understand the meaning of “religion” before rioting in the name of religion, before hurting anyone’s religious feelings, before calling any religion bad, whether it is really in religion. There has been talk of violence, has it really been said that if someone is calling your religion bad, instead of dealing with it alone, you should make the lives of tens of millions of innocents a living hell. 
Besides, we cannot deny that no matter how many religions there are riots in the name of, their strings are connected with politics. There are three types of people living in our society, smart, naive, straightforward. The clever people hurt the feelings of the innocent people and make them angry and these people have to join the flag waving protests without using their brains and the direct victims are the people. The so-called religious people who think that by shedding blood, by creating an atmosphere of fear among the people, if they can prove the supremacy of their religion, they are absolutely wrong, people who play with people’s lives, people who play with people’s emotions. Neither does he deserve to be called righteous, nor does he deserve to be called the supreme religion under the guise of which the homes of innocent laughing people are destroyed.
If we talk on the basis of facts, the number of riots in the name of religion is huge, but I would like to make a brief reference that if we talk internationally, the communal war between Israel and Palestine continues to this day, thousands Millions of people lost their lives, many became homeless . If we talk about India, the first post-independence religious riot in India took place in 1957 which is known as Ramnand. Later Hindu-Sikh riots over the establishment of Punjabi state in 1966 in which 14 people testified, thousands went to jail and became homeless, riots over Urdu language in Ranchi in 1967, riots over dargah and temple in Gujarat in 1969 , Riots between Hindus and Muslims in 1983, Sikh massacre by Hindus in 1984 in which more than 17,000 people lost their lives, followed by Ahmedabad and Gujarat in 1985, In 1986, riots broke out between Hindus and Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir. If we talk about the year 2022, then this communalism continues in the same way today. Recently, in June 2022, we have seen the provocative form of these riots, riots, slogans, rhetoric. Here I have briefly mentioned a few years but every year hooliganism in the name of religions strangles humanity.
We all need to understand that religion is a way to hold human beings accountable for their duties, and that man’s greatest responsibility is to respect humanity, to kill any human being, be it a Sikh or a Hindu, Be it Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, if you want to be called religious, I will not shy away from saying that those people are a stain on the name of their religion, nation and humanity.
Use your intellect and try to understand who may be behind these riots. Are those who are pushing us in this blazing fire also keeping their feet with us in this blazing fire? Stop slaughtering humanity due to blind faith and ignorance, try to understand the policy of tearing people and rule. Every religion preaches the message of humanity, calls for a voice against oppression, but never says that you should take the form of oppression yourself.  There is no greater religion than humanity! We cannot expect governments to stop this hooliganism in the name of religion because all these riots have deep roots, and religion is one of the biggest roots in politics. The main need of the hour is, if you want to stop these massacres in the name of religions, then we all have to become truly religious, otherwise these riots under the guise of religions will always trample humanity underfoot.


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