Home » Male Chauvinism and Women of the 21st century

Male Chauvinism and Women of the 21st century

by Rinku Khumukcham
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By- Diana Khumukcham

Since the day I entered womanhood (first menstruation) I was taken extra care by my family members. I was even told not to play along with my guy friends whom i used to play along since childhood. I was told that I should be following certain norms as a girl. I accepted all my elders and I have followed up to their aspects. As I grew older I started getting curious; the more my curiosity grew up the more I started becoming aggressive of the things that I have been taught. It was because I find it irrational but I really couldn’t explained to myself why until recently. Later, I found out that I was included in the unheard category of our male chauvinistic society.

We are in the age, where we are currently yearning for social equality. As Mark Manson mentioned in his  “What’s the problem of feminism?”  that today’s feminism has measurement problem. And I fully agree with him. Yes, it is hard to measure social injustice. One of my issue I got is that my mother always serves my father’s food before everyone is being served. But I am confused whether to call that my mother is a product of patriarchy or is she showing her gratitude and respect for her husband. 

There will be always a glitch for all the women in today’s generation. The roots has been wipe in and out  through generation to generation.  Theoretically and technically it will be exhausting for the women to  make sure that the roots attend decency.

The more intense the women of this generation becomes the more male chauvinism will increase in  the unseen part of the society. I couldn’t disagree that the intensity of woman is becoming higher and again intensity is the unseen positive side for the women for the future generation.

The real issue is the male chauvinism which is hard to be rationalize. Male accepts the fact of social equality, political equality, etc. but male always ends up pulling themselves upfront even when they are unworthy of the situation. Ignorance and unawareness is also a major issue of the male chauvinism. 

“For a dreamer like me, I hope there will a generation in the near future where there is no more male obnoxious behaviour.”

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