Home » List of Reputed Essay Competitions in India for Writing Lovers

List of Reputed Essay Competitions in India for Writing Lovers

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By- Mousumi

Let’s face it – even in the world of technology, people still hesitate to put all of their trust in online platforms. Essay competitions in India have always been a physical event when visualize through the lenses of rural India and traditional writers. Partly, it may be true, because finding really authenticate writing contests organizers is bit difficult. Essay writing is actually good for not just the students, but the creative writers as well; as it will help stimulate their brains while honing the writing skill. A lot of online essay contests have cropped up for people.  Here are the list of five trustworthy competitions based on the google reviews, longevity, and organizer’s reputation.
Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition 2020
Dhai Akhar is an annual letter writing competition, put forth by India Post. There are some rules one has to follow in order to participate in this contest. Anyone can participate in the competition, with two categories allotted to the groups – the letters are supposed to be in the limit of 1000 words, under envelope category, or an ILC (Inland Letter Card), with the limit being 500 words in this category. The theme for 2019’’s competition was ‘Dear Bapu, you are Immortal’ and is conducted on National level as well as circle level. Winners will get a huge cash prize.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Level Essay Writing Contest
The Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Level Essay Writing Contest has been successfully conducted for three years by the Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM) College.The contest is conducted with two categories, one of them comprising of 10th to 12th standard, whereas the other being for UG and PG students, including all Medical & Engineering Students too. The first prize is of INR50,000, while the second and third places, as well as 7 concept prizes get some good amount of cash prize too. The theme of Season 3 was ‘Education Ecosystem for 21st Century’. No plagiarism, the essay should be of 800 words and in MLA format, are some of the rules for the contest.
Vikram Sarabhai Competition for Concept – Essay Writing
On the occasion of Dr. Sarabhai’s birth centenary year, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) conducts a pan India level essay writing competition. Students of grade 8 to 12 can take part in the contest, from the two different categories provided, where the first one is 8th-10th standard and 11th-12th standard. Word limit is 3000 words, written in MLA format and the essay is to be sent in PDF format. The judgementwillbe carried out in two phases.The topic for 2019 was ‘Innovative experiments for space station’ and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and additional 5 prizes would be getting cash prizes.
Monomousumi Monthly Essay Writing Competition
The essay writing competition, put forth by www.monomousumi.com, is a monthly one, where prompts/topic are handed out by the start of the month thorough their website. Open for all, this competition is being organized since May 2018 every month without any break and fetched attention from various school, college goers and creative writers across the country. There are two categories, namely above and below 18 years old. The reward for the below 18 years old category is a trophy, a printable certificate and a physical educational prize, while the above 18 years old category get the trophy, printable certificate and a book/novel every month. The most attractive point about this contest is that all the eligible participants get participation certificate signed by the president organizing committee and renowned personality.
Pan India Online Essay Contest 2020
UNESCO New Delhi, in collaboration with Takhte, writers and publishers, has come up with a fun Pan India Online Essay Contest 2020, which will be conducted in two categories, i.e. for Children (aged 11-14) and Youth (aged 15-24). The topic is ‘Year 1 AC (After Coronavirus)’. Entries are welcome even now and best entries from the categories mentioned will be promoted and highlighted on the UNESCO New Delhi and Takhte’s websites and social media profiles. The winning entries will later be published in a book by the same name as the topic, and all the 100 published essayers will be getting certificates for their contribution.
The above-mentioned platforms are more than just authenticate; they have, in fact, successfully conducted competitions before, with a large amount of people enthusiastically responding to them. You can, therefore, surely opt for these essay contests and just stimulate your brain!

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