Get rid of strawberry legs at home with these remedies

By: Shahnaz Husain
Comedones, also known as “Strawberry legs” is a term used for dark spots that appear on the legs. This name owes its origin to the fact that the dark spots look like strawberry dots.  According to a dermatologist, “Strawberry legs occur when enlarged pores or hair follicles trap dead skin, oil, and bacteria. A person often experiences strawberry legs following shaving. Other skin conditions that can cause strawberry legs to include clogged pores, folliculitis, dry skin, and keratosis pilaris.” Although there may not be any itching or pain, the condition can cause embarrassment, as they are visible.
But there’s nothing to fret about those strawberry spots, as you can easily get rid of them by proper exfoliation, scrubbing, and waxing.
Make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. Apply this paste to your legs and let it dry naturally. Rinse with cold water 
Aloe vera is a very powerful moisturizer and has excellent skin healing properties  Applying it every day will always keep the skin hydrated.
Take fresh Aloe Vera from leaf and apply it to your legs and massage gently for a few minutes. Let the skin absorb the aloe vera and then rinse it with cold water 
Mix  3 tbsp brown sugar,   2 tbsp fresh aloe vera gel and  1 tbsp of olive or coconut oil in a bowl.  Put it all over your legs and start massaging it in circular motions.  Continue scrubbing your legs for 20  minutes.  Wash off with cool water.  Pat dry and apply some moisturiser.
 Mix 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and apply it all over your legs. Leave it on for  10 minutes then rinse.
Egg whites help tighten the skin whereas lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent
Since shaving can result in this condition, men are advised to shave in the direction of hair-growth. Women, who shave their legs, should shave in the direction against hair growth. You are also advised to change razors in good time. Epilation and waxing can also lead to in-growing hair. Waxing removes hair by the roots, but when the hair starts growing, it can turn inwards. In-grown hair is common in areas like the legs and under-arms
Moisturising the skin before and after shaving also helps. Avoid pinching the skin with your nails, or applying unsterilized needles, or pins, to take out the hair. This can lead to skin infections and eruptions. The condition does not really lead to anything very serious. Regularly exfoliating and moisturizing the legs can also prevent and treat strawberry legs. If home remedies do not help, do consult your doctor
What one can do to deal with the problem is to soften the hair properly before shaving with warm water and shaving cream. Avoid shaving the hair when it is dry. After waxing, wrap ice cubes in a clean cloth and apply it on the waxed area for a few seconds at a time. This helps to close the pores. Exfoliation with scrubs also helps to remove cellular build-up (dead skin cells) and thus loosen the in-growing hair. The scrub should be rubbed gently on the skin with small circular movements and then washed off with water.
Ready-made scrubs are easily available nowadays. Keeping the pores free of clogged oil helps to prevent open pores and also reduce them. This can be done by proper cleansing and deep cleansing. The skin should be cleansed with specialized cleansers, which help to reduce oiliness of the skin surface and the pores.  After cleansing, wipe the skin with an astringent lotion or skin tonic, using cotton wool. The use of a loofah while bathing can also help in preventing the problem.
Sometimes, when the in-growing hair is visible, it can be gently extricated with a pair of tweezers and then pulled out. However, if there is inflammation or pain, be careful when using tweezers.
Warm compress is also said to help. Dip a soft towel in hot water, wring out the water and apply it on the area. Repeat this a few tomes. This is said to soften the hair and bring it closer to the skin surface, where it can be seen. Warm compress or steam also helps to open the pores, while exfoliation or even skin brushing helps. Skin “brushing” helps the elimination of toxins. The entire surface, should be brushed, using a rough cloth, or a natural bristle brush. Begin from the feet and go upwards. Then brush from lower to upper arms. Go across the shoulders and back. Brush gently on the chest and abdomen.
(The author is an international fame beauty expert and is called Herbal Queen of India)

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