By L B Singh
The article “Good Intent, Bad Contents: A Rejoinder to L. B. Singh tittering article” by Gary Thangboi Haokip appeared in the Imphal Times on 01 September 20. I thank the writer for his views, though he has wasted a lot of space in accusing me. First, I would like to respond to some questions the writer has raised in his article and finally highlight the positive content of his article.
The terms Old and New Kukis were used by Col. J. Shakespeare, British political agent in Manipur (1905-1909). In his view, the Thadou, Hmars, Zous, Paites and Simte belonged to the New Kuki group and migrated to Manipur in the 18th and the 19th century from Chin and Mizo hills (P-186 Geography of Manipur by Dr. Th. Nabakumar Singh, New Delhi 2014).
Major W. McCulloch (political agent 1844-62, 1863-1867) noticed the settlement of Thadou Kukis as early as 1845. As per his memorandum to Mackenzie “McCulloch, as they arrived, settle them down, allotting to them land in different places according to their numbers and where their presence would be useful on exposed frontier….” (North East Frontier of India” P-156.)
Major/Lt.Col. P Maxwell (political agent 1891-93, 1895-96) observed in 1905, “It appears to me that this continuous immigration into the Manipur territory by Kukis from the Chin hill and Lushai is against the……”
According to Sir, James Johnstone (political agent 1877-1886), the term Kukis was first heard in Manipur between 1830 and 1840. (Col J. Johnstone My experience in Manipur and Naga Hills 1896).
As per Nagas the Kukis are recent migrant and it is quite close to the view of Sir James Johnstone. However, in my opinion the views of Col J Shakespeare and Major W. McCulloch are more reliable. It is between the two extreme views of Naga and Kuki; and this view has been taken for my article “Naga, Kuki, Meitei and Panghal youths to overcome disturbing history and shun ethnic politics”. Since I have recommended for a reconciliation both the views of Naga and Kuki have been considered.
The population of the balance old Kuki tribes and the New Kuki tribes was calculated based on the census data of 2001; and since it is based on old data I have stated that ratio to be ABOUT 30:70. A detailed ground survey would be required to get an accurate ratio of population.
Since, the aim of my article is unity and integration; and it would be better if there is no difference between the Old and New Kuki tribes. I would be very happy if I am wrong about the Old and the New Kuki. Further, it would have been more ideal if no Kuki tribes have identified themselves as Naga or vice versa. However, the real ground situation is different and it is more important than the claims by any other organization.
I don’t write history, but I read the history written by the experts. I have urged the youths to overcome the disturbing history of untouchable practiced by orthodox Hindu Meitei, the miseries of the Naga Movement, history of Naga Kuki conflict, forcible merger of Manipur with India etc.
I have written that the Meiteis have realized their mistake of practicing untouchable. It showed the humility of the Meitei for reconciliation with Naga, Kuki and Panghal. Almost all the Meitei Hindus also worship “Umanglai and Sanamahi” and therefore, there is no question of pitting one against the other.
I have not stated in my article that the New Kuki tribes are not indigenous people or they are not our brother or used the word refugee or foreigner or have occupied land belonging to the Nagas. I have also not written anything against the Maharaja of Manipur. The article was webcasted in the on 28 August 20 and it may be checked if required.
The writer has already assumed that I am a supporter of the Federation of Howmee (FoM) and has not read the article with an open mind. Therefore, the writer could not notice the comments mentioned below on the Naga movement and appreciation of the Kukis:
- Naga Movement: The movement has severely affected the progress of Manipur and life of the people. It has also created hatred among the various ethnic groups and a deep divide between the hill and the valley.
- Appreciation of Kukis: I have equated New Kuki tribes with the brilliant immigrants who make America the greatest country in the world and Parsis who had migrated to India between 8th and 10th However, I have not elaborated by mentioning famous Parsis like JRD Tata, Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Dr. Homi Baba, Godrej, Ratan Tata etc. who contributed immensely to the development of the Nation.
Despite of all the allegations against me, I am happy to highlight the positive side of the article that the Kukis accepted that we are from the same common origin. The Meitei is linguistically closer to Kuki and they helped each other in the past. The Kukis have also acknowledged the kindness shown by the Maharaja of Manipur. However, in addition to the common origin, there was also conversion from one the ethnic group to another. (P-20-24 History of Manipur Pre-Colonial period, Gangmumei Kamei, 2015).
Finally, Mr. Gary Thangboi Haokip indicated that the Kukis are keen to maintain the integrity of the State. It implies that the best of the young minds, Kuki youths, are now working to preserve the integrity of our Motherland, Manipur.
L B Singh
(Retired Captain, NM, Indian Navy)
Email: [email protected]