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An Open Secret of our Jeweled Land

by Rinku Khumukcham
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By-  Buyamayum Liyaquat Ali

The first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has described Manipur as “ Jewel of India”.  Greed of jewels, opaque bureaucracy, lack of transparent laws and non implementation of Anti-Corruption laws has turned the “Jewel of India” into a place where people sufferers due to the evils of corruption. We need not to shake the Pagoda tree by remembering the term “Jewel of India” if the evils of corruption is not rooted out from our Manipuri society.

Today most of the Government jobs and services has its own price tag.  When the people ask themselves the following questions: 1) Didn’t I gave less than 4/5 lakh Rupees for the post of a Constable in Manipur Police or IRB? 2) Didn’t I gave less than 15 lakh Rupees for the Post of an Sub-Inspector in Manipur  Police Department? 3) Didn’t I gave less than 15 lakh Rupees for the post of a Teacher in Manipur Education Department? 5) Didn’t I gave less than 10 lakh Rupees for the post of a Grade III job in any Department of Manipur? 6) Didn’t I gave less than 1000 Rupees for a certificate or license in any Department of Manipur? 7) Didn’t I gave less than 200 Rupees without challan  for lack of Vehicle documents while ferrying? 8) Didn’t I gave less than 20 lakh Rupees to smuggle illegal drugs? There will be numerous questions and answers of the above questions will always be affirmative. But people are afraid to open this Pandora’s box  due to greed of money, post, lack of knowledge, lack of evidence and other threats from authorities or related individuals.

The issue of corruption has been an uncompleted task by many government of the past tenures but it is the worst form of virus which sucks the developmental process of our society. It spreads in every nook and corner of our society. It isn’t only the fault of the Government as William Gaddis has rightly pointed out that Power doesn’t corrupt people, People corrupt Power. People of Manipur has an array of hope in the present head of the Manipur Government, Honorable Chief Minister N Biren Singh, due to his proactive, spontaneous and instantaneous actions related to social welfare. It will be in everyone’s interest to eradicate corruption to prevent individual, organisational and community impacts by corruption. Or shall we consider corruption as a means to earn money and remain as a mute spectator?

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