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The toddler calls

by Rinku Khumukcham
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 “Where a society has chosen to accept democracy as its creedal faith, it is elementary that the citizens ought to know what their government is doing.” -Justice P N Bhagwati
Easier is said than done – the saying still stands true. Like the nail float in water with the plank, a rowdy sometimes saves his or her life from being spoiled. Saying so, it is always the wisdom of the captain of the ship that the crew managed to sail their ship to the destiny amidst storms and whirlpools. But then had the crew member lacks discipline Columbus could never have landed in America’s soil to discover the country which becomes the most powerful country in the world today.
The state is more like a ship in the vast stormy ocean. In democratic state like Manipur, Chief Minister is similar to the captain of the ship. It is his wisdom that will sail towards a better direction. It is his command and qualities that will make his crew member follow rules and regulations frame by him. It is only at the time that all the crew members go by their respective assignment that the ship will reached destination. Similar, is with the running of the state, whether it goes upwards or falls, depends on the wisdom of the Chief Minister and his team.
But then, it is the Indian electoral system that stands as a hurdle to decide on which way to chose for a better society. Every elected representative needs a second thought to say no to his electorate. Particularly, the system practice in India showed that without some clique of strong supporters, it will become difficult for one to become Chief Minister as first thing that is important is to get elected as an MLA.   
Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development. But sometimes the effort to bring good governance remains as a dream with the kind of hurdles from his supporters whom the man in the top post cannot deny as without them it will be difficult to get elected again.
Numbers of middle men including relatives are now the talk every people of the state. What more prove is required than checking the bank balance and the properties of these people in this 8 months? We have seen in the earlier days on how a pharmacist in the state health department became a millionaire just because he was a close relative of the then Chief Minister. Can anyone deny the fact that the pharmacist who became millionaire is a clean person because there is no evidence on how dirty is him?
Good leader falls, not because of his personality but because of those around him.
Coming back to what is going on in the state; everybody knows the amount being asked by these middlemen for the recruitment of Police constable.
On the other hand some of the promises are still yet to be fulfilled as stated by the Chief Minister himself. The more the promises are delayed the more people will criticize.
Well, instead of defending, it is better checking the middlemen so that what has been assured remains true.
Let’s make our state free from corruption.

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