The taste of Ningol Chakouba

The Ningol Chakouba may be termed as the biggest festival of Manipur, where bonds between brother and sisters and parents with their married daughters are strengthened. With time, the celebration of this particular festival has broadened, with many communities residing in the state taking part in this festival. This not only strengthens the ties between different communities residing in the state but also reminds us of the bonds that we share irrespective of religion or anything of that sort.
Ningol Chakouba has its origin during the reign of King Pakhangba where a feast was hosted by Laisana, the Queen for her brother Poireiton. With time, this ritual has changed to brothers hosting the feast for their married sisters.
With the impending COVID-19 pandemic in the state and globally, this festival was not celebrated as it used to be before, in the previous year. However, with the slowly improving condition of COVID-19 in the state, this time the celebration of Ningol Chakouba is in full swing. Markets and Bazaars are now crowded like before, with people forgetting about Social Distancing or following Covid Appropriate Behaviors. People seem to have forgotten that the war is not over yet. Adding to the woes is the upcoming General Election in the state. Authorities have now relaxed and seem to have forgotten the fact that the dreaded COVID-19 attack is not over yet and it will hit us again hard in the form of the Third wave, lest we continue to behave like this.
But it doesn’t mean that we should stop our social activities due to the fear of COVID-19 but what we need for now is Responsible behaviour, if we don’t want to face the dreaded situation like the Second Wave of COVID-19, which hit Manipur very hard. Also,  the Government should be monitoring the situation and not to let down its guard if they don’t want a Catch 22 situation.
Lets celebrate this beautiful and unique festival responsibly spreading love and care, strengthening the bonds of siblings and among communities. We, Team Imphal Times wish everyone a very Happy Ningol Chakouba and may love and peace, free from sorrow prevail in the state.

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